Work Experience
Individual Contractor on Geospatial Information Technology, Remote Sensing, Land Cover Analysis, Vector Data Processing and Humanitarian Support
2022 - Current
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) – United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)
Technical Specialist on Geospatial Information Applications for Sustainable
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) - Space Applications Section
Individual Contractor on Geospatial information Applications
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) - Space Applications Section
2020 - 2021
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) - Space Applications Section
Casual Academic
Brisbane, Australia
The University of Queensland
2018 - 2019
Brisbane, Australia
Portfolio Coordinator
2017 - 2018
Sydney, Australia
Analysis of very high-resolution commercial satellite imagery in the context of informing humanitarian support efforts.
Assess and correct outputs of AI models and produce data and analytical products that comply with UNOSAT standards and practices utilizing both vector and raster data with the ArcGIS environment.
Develop online tools and platform to codify and share ESCAP project information
Update online dashboard and sustainability strategy and manual
Review and provide inputs to ESCAP knowledge products and publications including the 2022 edition of 'The Geospatial Practices for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific'
Review, edit and drafting of publications and documents
Supervise data input into online tools and platforms by Interns
Develop visuals, graphics and presentations
Dissemination of tools, knowledge and good practices in a sustainable manner
Research and development of new systems for tracking implementation of good practices.
Development of all database and dashboard technical components.
Assisted in consultation, training and delivery, with member states, for development and presentation of training materials for the database.
Assistance with preparing presentations, and drafting of materials, for other meetings.
Supervision of data entry by the current intern.
Drafting, editing and production of promotional video materials.
Assist in drafting, writing, research and review of Publications and Staff Technical Papers. Including: 'Geospatial Practices for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific 2020: A Compendium' and 'Preliminary analysis of COVID-19 response and recovery policies in Asia and the Pacific: Integrating space applications and socioeconomic data.'
Provide support in printing, publishing and launch of report.
Creation of video content for promotion of report utilizing graphic design software including Adobe Premiere Pro and InDesign.
Use of ArcGIS Pro to develop overview maps for report, adjustment of existing and submitted maps to follow UN guidelines.
Assist in the creation of a summary report for a regional workshop.
Begin research and development to implement a database for management of Good Practices.
Tutor students in technical GIS and Remote Sensing.
Assist students and academics with GIS problem solving and trouble shooting.
Tutor and assist students with analysis, program use, and problem solving in a variety of software packages including ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, QGIS and ENVI.
Create and update marketing materials for department using Adobe Indesign.
Prepare pitch documents & submissions to high creative standard.
Prepare & deliver reports; Market Mapping; Co-ordination of client & team updates.
Prepare reports & analysis as required by department Exec Team; Assist with Business Development tracking & targeting.
Co-ordinate all: marketing activity, CRM Software & Databases, Cloud Marketing Software for NSW Retail Leasing,
Marketing activity, budget preparation & admin management Marina Shopping Centre Port Macquarie.
Review results to ensure successful marketing campaigns; Create & consolidate property reporting for National Woolworths Portfolio.
Prepare Leasing & Mgmt. proposals & submissions; Provide training to staff; Client liaison; Maintain Databases.